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- Communities & Commerce Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Education Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Government Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Health & Human Services Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Natural Resources Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Pandemic Recovery
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Publishing Agency
- Administrative Services, Department of
- Agriculture & Land Stewardship, Department of
- Attorney General, Office of
- Auditor of State, Office of
- Blind, Department for the
- Corrections, Department of
- Economic Development & Finance Authorities
- Education, Department of
- Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board
- Health & Human Services, Department of
- Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Department of
- Inspections, Appeals & Licensing, Department of
- Insurance & Financial Services, Department of
- Iowa Communications Network
- Iowa Utilities Commission
- Iowa Workforce Development
- Judicial Branch
- Law Enforcement Academy
- Legislative Services Agency
- Management, Department of
- Natural Resources, Department of
- Parole, Board of
- Public Defense, Department of
- Public Employment Relations Board
- Public Information Board
- Public Safety, Department of
- Regents, Board of
- Revenue, Department of
- Secretary of State, Office of
- State of Iowa
- Transportation, Department of
- Treasurer of State, Office of
- Veterans Affairs, Department of
- unemployment
- % change
- 260e
- 65 years and older
- 85 years and older
- aaa
- abondoned wells
- accidents
- accredited reinsurer
- acres
- actual revenue
- adjudicated
- administrative law judge
- administrative order
- admissions
- adult literacy
- aea
- aerial photography
- affordable homeownership program
- afo
- ag extensions
- agency
- agricultural
- agriculture
- air
- air quality standards
- alert iowa
- alteration
- amber
- ambient air
- ambient monitoring
- american indian and alaska native alone
- american rescue plan act
- animal feeding
- annual financial reports
- annual wage
- annuity
- appeals
- application
- applications
- aquatic life uses
- aquifer
- aquifers
- archaeological sites
- area of responsibility
- asian alone
- asphalt plants
- assessments
- assessors
- assisted living
- assisted living programs
- attorney general
- atv
- audit reports
- autocycles
- average weekly benefits
- avg compensation per job
- background check
- backwater lakes
- bank assets loans deposits
- beneficial use
- benefited districts
- benthic macroinvertebrate index
- bills
- biofuel
- biofuel distribution percentage
- biological
- biotic integrity
- black or african american alone
- blind
- bm-ibi
- boating
- broadband
- burials
- business climate
- business groups
- cafr
- caregivers
- cemetery
- census
- certificate
- certificates
- certification
- change rate
- channelization
- charitable gifts
- chemical
- chemical storage.
- child care
- child care businesses
- city revenue
- class of worker
- clearing account
- coldwater stream
- college
- college readiness
- colleges
- comments
- committee
- committees
- communicative impairments
- comparison
- comprehensive annual financial reports
- computer
- concrete batch plants
- confinements
- consent order
- construction permits
- construction projects
- consumer complaints
- consumer fraud
- contaminated sites
- continued claims
- contributions
- convicted
- correctional facility
- correctional system
- county auditors
- county hospitals
- county subdivisions
- court decisions
- covered employment
- cpa firms
- crashes
- crime incident
- criminal offense against a minor
- current cohort
- current fiscal year
- dam
- dams
- data
- dealer
- debt
- decertification
- declined
- declining quality
- deficiencies
- designated wetlands
- disabilities
- disability type
- discharges
- disciplinary hearing
- dismissal
- dismissals
- disposing
- dls
- dog field trials
- dot
- down payment assistance programs
- drivers license stations
- drop off
- dropout
- dumbwaiters
- e-rate
- eal gross domestic product
- earnings
- ecological recovery
- elder
- election security
- elevation maps
- elevators
- emergencies
- emergency broadcast
- emergency relief
- emissions
- employment separation
- entry wage
- environment first fund
- eot
- epa
- escalators
- evaluation
- examination
- experienced wage
- f-ibi
- fall semester
- farm ponds
- farmers markets
- farming
- fee
- fees
- fema
- fertilizers
- fiber-optic
- filing
- final payments
- finances
- financial aid
- financial assistance
- financial reporting
- financials
- fire department
- fire safe cigarette
- firefighters
- first home plus grant
- first home program
- first payments
- fish
- fish index
- fish kills
- fisheries
- fishing
- fishing report
- fishing tournaments
- food establishments
- food processing
- food safety
- franchises
- fuel
- fuel tax
- gas
- general claims
- geographic names
- geologic features
- geology
- graduation rates
- grease
- gross domestic product
- groundwater investigations
- habitat
- handling
- hazardous condition
- hazardous materials
- hazardous substances
- hazardous waste
- headwater streams
- health care providers
- heath care decision
- high quality water
- historical maps
- home and community based services
- home delivered meals
- homes for iowans plus grant
- homes for iowans program
- hotels
- hourly wage
- house
- house districts
- idph
- ife insurance
- impaired
- impairment
- industrial activity
- industrial wastewater treatment
- industry credentials & licenses
- industry. iwd_uistats
- inspection
- installation
- institution
- instream flows
- insurance carrier
- intermediate care facilities
- iowa official register
- iowa public universities
- iowa students
- iowa veterans
- iowa veterans cemetery
- iowa wages
- iwd
- iwd_uistats_q
- iwe
- jobs
- lake
- lake levels
- land-applying
- language
- last dollar scholarships
- layoff
- layoffs
- leaking
- learning
- legal
- legislation
- legislative directory
- legislators
- liability insurance
- liable
- libertarian
- life insurance
- limnological
- line item
- local boards of health
- local government relief
- local housing trust fund (lhtf)
- long-term care facililities
- losses
- lowhead
- lust
- manure
- map
- master agreements
- materials exchange
- mathematics
- median household income
- median income
- mediapolis
- medicare
- military homeownership assistance program
- minority
- missing children
- mississippi pools
- monitoring
- months served
- motels
- motions
- motor fuel
- mpic
- municipal wastewater treatment
- native hawaiian and other pacific islander alone
- natural features
- nature
- ncci rates
- non-state recipients
- non-wadeable streams
- nonfarm compensation
- nonfarm wages and salaries
- nonprofit
- not rehabilitated
- notifications
- nursing facilities
- nutrition
- object
- objections
- occupancy
- offender demographics
- oil
- older
- open feedlots
- operating costs
- operating requirements
- operator certification
- opinions
- orders
- organic farms
- orthophotos
- osha
- past cultures
- penitentiary
- per capita
- petitions
- pharmacies
- pharmacy
- phase q assessments
- plugging
- political party
- pollutant
- populated place
- population decrease
- potential duration
- potentially impaired
- premiums
- prescription drugs
- principal
- private wells
- prizes
- proceeds
- professional licensure
- project-based housing program (pbhp)
- property tax
- proprietor's income
- protected areas
- protected stream
- protected wetlands
- psychosocial mental impairments
- public accommodations
- public adjusters
- public employees
- public employment
- public health
- public health crisis response
- public hunting
- public records
- public water supplies
- railroads
- rate making
- rbca
- receipts
- refunds
- regent universities
- registered apprenticeships
- reincarceration
- release
- renovation
- rental homes
- replacement rate
- rescinded
- residential
- residential care facilities
- residential service contract
- restaurants
- retail
- retail sales
- risk retention
- river
- rock crushing plants
- rock exposures
- rulings
- runoff
- rural hospitals
- rural improvement zones
- sales tax
- sampling
- sand and gravel
- school lunches
- school report cards
- science
- scouting
- secondary education
- sediment
- self-insured
- senate
- seniors
- service contract
- sexual exploitation
- some other race alone
- source water
- species
- spill response
- standardized plans
- state and local fiscal recovery funds
- state appeal board
- state bank application
- state candidates
- state expenditures
- state financial reports.
- state housing trust fund
- state land
- state receipts
- state revolving fund
- state senators
- state sentators
- state taxes
- state water
- stores
- storing
- storm water
- storm water discharge
- stream biological health
- stream straightening
- students
- sub recipient awards
- successful employment
- successful reentry
- surface water
- surface water discharge
- surplus lines
- swap
- swp
- tariffs
- tax collections
- tax deductions
- tax district
- tax exemptions
- taxable valuations
- taxing districts
- teachers
- terminated
- tif area revenue
- tiger/line shapefiles
- time served
- tmdl
- top ten
- tort claims
- toxic substances
- training
- transition student
- transition students
- transporting
- trout
- trout fishing
- trout stream
- trout streams
- trusted reinsurer
- two or more races
- u.s. fire administration
- ucr
- ui benefit rate
- ui benefits
- ui contribution rates
- ui fund revenue
- ui tax rate
- ui trust fund solvency
- ui_taxrate_table
- unclaimed property
- under 18 years
- under 5 years
- underground storage tanks
- unemployed
- unemployment benefit recipients
- unemployment insurance ui
- uniform crime reporting
- us house
- us house of representatives
- usac
- usda national organic program
- use assessment
- usfa
- ust
- utilities
- vacant housing
- valuations
- vendor
- viatical broker
- viatical provider
- visual & communicative impairments
- visual impairments
- visually impaired
- vocational rehabilitation
- volunteers
- voting
- wadeable streams
- wages and salaries
- warrants
- wastewater discharge
- wastewater treatment facilities
- water allocation
- water quality assessments
- water table
- water use
- water yield
- waterbodies
- waterbody
- weeks received
- well depth
- well interferance
- white alone
- wioa
- work experience
- workforce innovations and opportunity act
- wqs
- aadt
- abatement
- administrative rules
- adopted budget
- aging
- agricultural futures profits index
- airports
- animal feeding operations
- annual population estimates
- api reads
- area agencies on aging
- arts
- asbestos
- asset access
- asset classification
- average weekly manufacturing hours
- average weekly unemployment claims
- awos
- banking
- barrier
- base station
- benefit payments
- boundaries
- bridgelets
- bus
- businesses
- camera
- capacity
- catastrophic
- cctv
- census area
- certified
- change
- claimants
- cognitive impairments
- college aid
- commercial
- community-based corrections
- comp time
- concrete barrier
- contaminants
- continued weeks claimed
- contracts
- county codes
- court
- culvert
- culverts
- deaf & hard of hearing impairments
- decennial census
- decisions
- deer
- deer kill
- deputy
- designated use
- diesel fuel consumption
- districts
- downloads
- drinking water
- employee compensation
- employment termination
- endorsement
- enrollment
- executive branch
- exhaustion rate
- expense
- faa
- federal awards
- federal fund receipts
- federal funding expended
- financial institutions
- fips
- fte
- full recapture
- full time equivalents
- general assembly
- groundwater
- gtfs
- highways
- hike
- hispanic
- history
- horse
- icn
- ilea
- ilii
- illinois
- impaired list
- incident
- income
- incorporated places
- iowa house
- iowa leading indicators index
- iowa non-farm employment coincident index
- iowa senate
- iowa stock market index
- iowa title guaranty
- jd
- judicial district
- juries
- kansas
- landfill diversion
- latino
- life threatening illness
- lifeline
- local fiscal recovery
- local option sales tax
- low-income
- major water source
- markers
- metro
- metropolitan planning organization
- mile post
- minnesota
- minorities
- misc authorities
- missing person
- missouri
- mobility managers
- motor vehicle
- mpo
- naics
- nebraska
- new
- new orders index
- nonfarm earnings
- nonpublic schools
- north dakota
- npdes
- out-of-state travel
- overtime
- park and ride
- parole
- partial recapture
- performance
- permit
- personnel
- physical impairments
- plow camera
- plow images
- police
- post-secondary education
- primary point
- primary road
- primary roads
- prison admissions
- products
- property tax rate
- property values
- railroad
- railroad crossings
- rams
- rates
- real-time network
- recycling
- red tape review
- reference posts
- referrals
- regional planning association
- rehabilitation rate
- removal
- residential and commercial certificates
- residential building permits
- retailers
- reuse
- revenues
- revocation
- ridesharing
- roads
- room & board
- rpa
- rr
- rtn
- school administration
- schools
- ski
- snow removal
- solid waste
- south dakota
- spills
- stake
- standards
- state representatives
- statewide
- stream
- student enrollment
- sucessful
- tax
- technology
- test
- tim
- towns
- traffic count
- traffic log book
- trailhead
- trails
- transition
- traveler
- tuition
- ui contributions
- unit
- universities
- vendor payments
- video
- views
- violate
- violation
- waste reduction
- wastewater
- water source
- weeks claimed
- wisconsin
- work release
- workers' compensation
- workforce
- wrc
- yield spread
- zcta
- zip code tabulation area
- alcohol
- annual urban renewal report
- automobiles
- average duration
- campaign
- cemeteries
- community colleges
- complaints
- compliance
- consumer fireworks
- cooperative
- corporation
- corporations
- data assets
- democrat
- differential response system
- drivers
- financial reports
- fireworks
- food assistance
- general fund
- general partnerships
- gnis
- grants
- health care
- higher education
- hispanic origin
- hours worked
- household type
- industrial
- inspections
- iowa general assembly
- iwd_uistats_w
- labor force
- law enforcement
- limited liability company
- limited liability partnership
- liquor
- lottery
- male
- medicaid
- motor vehicles
- population estimate
- poverty status
- profit
- public transit
- registrations
- republican
- salary book
- sales registrations
- savings & loans
- scholarships
- slfrf
- snowmobile
- subsistence expense
- township
- townships
- trademarks
- trailers
- trucks
- ui trust fund
- unemployment rate
- vehicle registrations